Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sleeve Gastrectomy - Learning the fine art of swallowing

The first thing I had to do after my surgery, was to learn the fine art of swallowing without getting a pain in my stomach.  Since my new stomach is about the size of an egg, there's not much room to gulp vast quantities of liquid at a time.  Sipping as in "sipping cognac" is the preferred method.  The goal is to prevent taking in air bubbles when I drink.  Also, I have to pace myself and wait a few seconds or minute before the next sip.  I have to give my stomach time to digest and drain before the next sip. 

I learned very, very quickly that drinking too fast or too much produces a sharp small pain in the stomach usually for a short time, a few seconds, which is rather uncomfortable.

I stopped using a straw, due to the air that is sucked up with the liquid.  Also, I was not very successful sipping on a glass full of ice cubes.  I guess I was drawing in too much air trying to get to the liquid. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! We are all thinking about you. 15 pounds...that's great!
